Cyberspace Law Review Bibliography by Eric Goldman

Cyberspace Law Review Bibliography

by Eric Schlachter, Esq.


I have indicated noteworthy pieces, as determined by me in my sole discretion, with an asterisk [*].

Timothy Arnold-Moore, Legal Pitfalls in Cyberspace: Defamation on Computer Networks, available at [this cite appears to be outdated]

Francis Auburn, Usenet News and the Law, 1 WebJCLI [1995], available at

William S. Byassee, Jurisdiction of Cyberspace: Applying Real World Precedent to the Virtual Community, 30 Wake Forest L. Rev. 197 (1995)

Robert Beall, Note, Developing a Coherent Approach to the Regulation of Computer Bulletin Boards, 7 Computer/L.J. 499 (1987)

Henry Beck, Control of, and Access to, On-Line Computer Data Bases: Some First Amendment Issues in Videotex and Teletext, 5 Hastings Comm/Ent L.J. 1 (1982)

[*] Loftus E. Becker, Jr., The Liability of Computer Bulletin Boards for Defamation Posted by Others, 22 Conn. L. Rev. 203 (1989)

Lynn Becker, Electronic Publishing: First Amendment Issues in the Twenty-First Century, 13 Fordham Urb. L.J. 801 (1985)

Anne W. Branscomb, Anonymity, Autonomy and Accountability: Challenges to the First Amendment in Cyberspace, 104 Yale L.J. 1639 (1995)

[*] Dan L. Burk, Trademarks Along the Infobahn: A First look at the Emerging Law of Cybermarks, Richmond Journal of Law & Technology, available at (1995)

Charles Cangialosi, The Electronic Underground: Computer Piracy and Electronic Bulletin Boards, 15 Rutgers Computer & Tech. L.J. 265 (1989)

Edward A. Cavazos, Note, Computer Bulletin Board Systems and the Right of Reply: Redefining Defamation Liability for a New Technology, 12 Rev. Litig. 231 (1992)

Robert Charles, Note, Computer Bulletin Boards and Defamation: Who Should Be Liable?  Under What Standards?, 2 J.L. & Tech. 121 (1987)

Terri A. Cutrera, The Constitution in Cyberspace: The Fundamental Rights of Computer Users, 60 UMKC L. Rev. 139 (1991)

Terri A. Cutrera, Computer Networks, Libel and the First Amendment, 11 Computer/L.J. 555 (1992)

Edward M. Di Cato, Operator Liability Associated with Maintaining a Computer Bulletin Board, 4 Software L.J. 147 (1990)

Michael H. Dierks, Computer Network Abuse, 6 Harv. J.L. & Tech. 307 (1993)

Edward V. Di Lello, Functional Equivalency and Its Application to Freedom of Speech on Computer Bulletin Boards, 26 Colum. J.L. & Soc. Prob. 199 (1993)

Robert L. Dunne, Deterring Unauthorized Access to Computers: Controlling Behavior in Cyberspace Through a Contract Law Paradigm, 35 Jurimetrics J. 1 (1994), available at

John D. Faucher, Comment, Let the Chips Fall Where They May: Choice of Law in Computer Bulletin Board Defamation Cases, 26 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1045 (1993)

Fourth Annual Benton National Moot Court Competition: System Operator Liability for Defamatory Statements Appearing on an Electronic Bulletin Board, 19 J. Marshall L. Rev. 1107 (1986)

A. Michael Froomkin, Anonymity and its Enmities, 1995 J. Online L. art. 4

Gina M. Garramone et al., Uses of Political Computer Bulletin Boards, 30 J. of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 325 (1986)

Jonathan Gilbert, Note, Computer Bulletin Board Operator Liability for User Misuse, 54 Fordham L. Rev. 439 (1985)

David Goldstone, The Public Forum Doctrine in the Age of Information Superhighway (Where are the Public Forums on the Information Superhighway?), 46 Hastings L.J. 335 (1995)

I. Trotter Hardy, The Proper Legal Regine for Cyberspace, 55 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 993 (1994)

[*] Eric C. Jensen, Comment, An Electronic Soapbox: Computer Bulletin Boards and the First Amendment, 39 Fed. Comm. L.J. 217 (1987)

David R. Johnson & Kevin A. Marks, Mapping Electronic Data Communications Onto Existing Legal Metaphors: Should We Let Our Conscience (and Our Contracts) Be Our Guide?, 38 Vill. L. Rev. 487 (1993)

John R. Kahn, Defamation Liability of Computerized Bulletin Board Operators and Problems of Proof, available at (1989)

Curtis E.A. Karnow, The Encrypted Self:  Fleshing Out the Rights of Electronic Personalities, 13 J. Marshall J. of Computer and Info. L. 1 (1994)

M. Ethan Katsh, The First Amendment and Technological Change: The New Media Have a Message, 57 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1459 (1989)

M. Ethan Katsh, Cybertime, Cyberspace and Cyberlaw, 1995 J. Online art. 1

Krattenmaker & Pave, Conversing First Amendment Principles for Converging Communications Media, 104 Yale L.J. 1719 (1995)

Mark Lemley, Shrinkwraps in Cyberspace, 35 Jurimetrics J. 3 (1995)

Mark A. Lemley, Right of Attribution and Integrity in Online Communications, 1995 J. Online L. art. 2

George P. Long, III, Comment, Who Are You?  Identity and Anonymity in Cyberspace, 55 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 1177 (1994)

David J. Loundy, E-Law: Legal Issues Affecting Computer Information Systems and System Operator Liability, 3 Alb. L.J. Sci. & Tech. 79 (1993)

David J. Loundy, E-Law 2.0: Computer Information Systems Law and System Operator Liability Revisited, available at (1994)

Jay R. McDaniel, Note, Electronic Torts and Videotex–At the Junction of Commerce and Communication, 18 Rutgers Computer and Tech. L.J. 773 (1992)

Note, The Message is the Medium:  The First Amendment on the Information Superhighway, 107 Harv. L. Rev. 1062 (1994)

Philip H. Miller, Note, New Technology, Old Problem: Determining the First Amendment Status of Electronic Information Services, 61 Fordham L.R. 1147 (1993)

Edward J. Naughton, Note, Is Cyberspace a Public Forum?  Computer Bulletin Boards, Free Speech, and State Action, 81 Geo. L.J. 409 (1992)

[*] Henry H. Perritt, Jr., Tort Liability, the First Amendment, and Equal Access to Electronic Networks, 5 Harvard J.L. & Tech. 65 (1992)

Henry H. Perritt, Jr., Metaphors for Understanding Rights and Responsibilities in Network Communities: Print Shops, Barons, Sheriffs, and Bureaucracies, available at (1992)

Henry H. Perritt, Jr., Introduction: Symposium: The Congress, the Courts and Computer Based Communication Networks: Answering Questions About Access and Content Control, 38 Vill. L. Rev. 319 (1993)

Henry H. Perritt, Jr., Dispute Resolution in Electronic Network Communities, 38 Vill. L. Rev. 349 (1993)

David W. Post, Anarchy, State and the Internet:  An Essay on Law-Making in Cyberspace, 1995 J. Online L. art. 3

Michael H. Riddle, The Electronic Pamphlet–Computer Bulletin Boards and the Law, available at (1990)

Anthony J. Sassan, Note, Cubby, Inc. v. CompuServe, Inc.: Comparing Apples to Oranges: The Need for a New Media Classification, 5 Software L.J. 821 (1992)

[*] Eric Schlachter, Essay, Cyberspace, the Free Market, and the Free Marketplace of Ideas: Recognizing Legal Differences in Computer Bulletin Board Functions, 16 Hastings Comm/Ent L.J. 87 (1993), available at

Eric Schlachter, Electronic Networks and Computer Bulletin Boards: Developing a Legal Regime to Fit the Technology (1994)

John T. Soma et al., Legal Analysis of Electronic Bulletin Board Activities, 7 W. New Eng. L. Rev. 571 (1985)

George E. Stevens & Harold M. Hoffman, Tort Liability for Defamation by Computer, 6 Rutgers J. Computers & L. 91 (1977)

Sunstein, The First Amendment in Cyberspace, 104 Yale L.J. 1757 (1995)

Michael L. Taviss, Comment, Dueling Forums: The Public Forum Doctrine’s Failure to Protect the Electronic Forum, 60 U. Cin. L. Rev. 757 (1992).

Eugene Volokh, Cheap Speech, 104 Yale L.J. 1805 (1995)

Tung Yin, Comment, Post-Modern Printing Presses: Extending Freedom of Press to Protect Information Services, 8 High Tech. L.J. 311 (1993)


Cyberspace Law Books

Edward A. Cavazos & Gavino Morin, Cyberspace and the Law: Your Rights and Duties in the On-line World (1994)

M. Ethan Katsh, The Electronic Media and the Transformation of Law (1989)

Lance Rose & Jonathan Wallace, SysLaw (2d ed. 1992)

Lance Rose, Netlaw (1995)