Institute of Legal Studies, University of Wisconsin (Madison) Law School, October 2002 (Regulating Relevancy: Initial Interest Confusion and the Internet).
University of Dayton School of Law Scholarly Symposium on the Constitutionality of Protecting Factual Compilations, October 2002 (The Role of the First Amendment).
American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Intellectual Property Subcommittee, Cyberspace Law Committee, Business Law Section, Washington DC, August 2002 (Regulating Relevancy: Initial Interest Confusion and the Internet).
University of Dayton School of Law Thirteenth Annual Advanced Computer and Cyberspace Law Seminar, June 2002 (Drafting and Implementing Website User Agreements).
C.E.B. Electronic Commerce and Internet Law & Practice: 5th Annual Recent Developments, Palo Alto and San Francisco, January 2002 (Derivative Liability for User Content and Actions)
C.E.B. Electronic Commerce and Internet Law & Practice: 5th Annual Recent Developments, Palo Alto and San Francisco, January 2002 (Protecting Internet Content Databases).
Green Lights and Red Flags: FTC Rules of the Road for Advertisers, Santa Clara, November 2001 (Special Considerations When Doing Business Online).
PLI E-Commerce Strategies for Success in the Digital Economy, San Francisco, September 2000 (B2C Overview)
Bar Association of San Francisco Computer Law Institute, San Francisco, September 2000 (The Future of Intellectual Property on the Internet)
PLI 4th Annual Institute on Internet Law, San Francisco, July 2000 (In-House Panel)
E-Commerce Law School, Palo Alto, June 2000 (Care and Feeding of an Internet Start-Up)
American Corporate Counsel Association (SF Bay Chapter), Palo Alto, April 2000 (Privacy Issues)
CyberspaceCamp Conference, San Jose, March 2000 (Website Development and Hosting Agreements)
Cyberspace Law School, Palo Alto, February 2000 (Co-Branding, Cross-Marketing and Other Business Relationships)
Cyberspace Law School, Palo Alto, February 2000 (The Internet and Overview)
Hastings COMM/ENT 12th Annual Computer Law Symposium, San Francisco, January 2000 (Doing Internet Co-Branding Agreements)
PLI E-Commerce Strategies for Success in the Digital Economy, San Francisco, August 1999 (Storefront Development and Hosting)
PLI 3rd Annual Institute on Internet Law, San Francisco, July 1999 (Drafting Co-Branding and Internet Distribution Agreements)
Cyberspace Law School, San Francisco, November 1998 (Co-Branding, Cross-Marketing and Other Business Relationships)
Legal and Business Aspects of the Internet, San Francisco, November 1998 (Privacy and Data Collection)
PLI 2nd Annual Institute on Internet Law, San Francisco, July 1998 (Web Development and Hosting)
PLI 1st Annual Institute on Internet Law, San Francisco, July 1997 (Terminology and Technology of the Internet)
University of Texas’ 10th Annual Computer Law Conference: Communicating and Conducting Business On-Line, Austin, May 1997 (Online Deals and Licensing Issues)
Comdex, Las Vegas, November 2001 (Privacy: Can It Ever Be Protected on the Internet?)
Spring Internet World, Los Angeles, April 2000 (9 Key Issues in Negotiating Web Development and Hosting Agreements)
Santa Clara MBA Alumni Breakfast Briefing, Santa Clara, January 2000 (Privacy Policies)
Internet Business Development Forum, So. San Francisco, November 1999 (Co-Branding Deals)
Internet Business Development Forum, Los Altos, CA, August 1999 (Internet Term Sheets)
American Chemical Society, San Francisco, April 1997 (Copyrights and the Internet)
Spring Internet World, Los Angeles, March 1997 (Internet Legal Roundtable)
Sun User Group West ’97, San Francisco, March 1997 (System Administrator Liability)
Sun User Group Computers & the Law III, San Jose, December 1996 (Will the Internet Destroy Copyright?)
Spring Internet World, San Jose, May 1996 (Copyright on the Internet)
Net Expo West, San Francisco, September 1995 (Legal Issues in Cyberspace)
International Symposium on Technology and Society, Washington D.C., October 1993 (Sysop Liability for Statements and Actions of Users)
Testimony before the National Gambling Impact Study Commission’s (a Congressionally-authorized study) Regulatory, Enforcement and Internet subcommittee, December 1998
ONE ISPCON, San Jose, October 1998 (Alternative Revenue Models for ISPs and Websites)
Spring Internet World, Los Angeles, March 1998 (Emerging Web Business Models)
Internet Commerce Expo, Los Angeles, September 1997 (Launching Web-related Start-up Ventures)
Spring Internet World, Los Angeles, March 1997 (Emerging Business Models on the Internet)
ONE ISPCON, San Francisco, August 1996 (Issues in Website Entrepreneurship)
Spring Internet World, San Jose, May 1996 (Issues in Website Entrepreneurship)
ONE BBSCON, Tampa, Florida, August 1995 (Realities of Making Money on the Web)
ONE BBSCON, Tampa, August 1995 (Issues in Website Entrepreneurship)
Marquette Law School Intellectual Property Issues in Sports, Milwaukee, October 2002 (panel moderator, Scope of Protectable Rights in Sports Events and Game Accounts and Scope of Protection for Methods/Styles f Play and Playing Equipment).
Santa Clara University Computer & High Technology Law Journal Symposium on Information Insecurity: Protecting Data in the Digital Age, February 2002 (panel moderator, Corporations & Privacy Law).
Santa Clara University Computer & High Technology Law Journal Privacy Symposium, Santa Clara, February 2000 (panel moderator, Commercial Application of the Internet)
Marquette Business School, Internet Marketing, Fall 2002 (Web Marketing Legal Issues)
Santa Clara University School of Law, Civil Practice Internship, Summer 2000 (Life as a Lawyer)
Santa Clara University School of Law, E-Commerce Law, Summer 1999 (Internet Copyright)
University of California, Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall), What is E-Commerce?, Fall 1998 (Internet Deals)
College of Notre Dame (Belmont, CA), Introduction to Media, Fall 1996 (Media Liability)