- 2015 syllabus, exam and sample answer
- 2014 syllabus, exam and sample answer
- 2012 syllabus, exam and sample answer
- 2011 syllabus, exam and answer outline
- 2010 syllabus, exam and sample answer
- 2009 syllabus, exam and sample answer
- 2008 syllabus, exam and sample answer
- 2007 syllabus, exam and sample answer
- 2004 syllabus, exam and sample answer
- 2003 syllabus, exam and student-written sample answer 1 and sample answer 2
Also see the separate page for my Copyright course
- My supplemental coursepack for 2015
- Examples of mutual and one-way NDAs
- “Learn IP Law” app by Prof. Ned Snow
- Photos of the Sturgeon Bay shipyard at issue in Smith v. Dravo (taken in 2012)
- Patent on Substance Dispensing Headgear (see the different implementations at Slinky patent. Other wacky patents. Yet more silly patents.
- The role of patents in lionfish hunting.
- A casebook chapter on design patents.
- Compare the music in Arnstein v. Porter for yourself.
- Examples of films that recreated scenes from earlier films.
- Video: Creativity on Trial: The Music Copyright Dilemma
- A video explaining the similarities between Olivia Rodrigo’s “good 4 u” and Paramore’s “Misery Business”
- Fair Use cheat sheet
- Joe Cartoon and People Eating Tasty Animals. Watch this Nathan For You video, “Dumb Starbucks“
- Video on World’s Largest Super Soaker
- Ads trying to keep trademarks from becoming generic.
- How some famous logos have evolved over the years.
- What makes a truly great logo?
- Business names that are puns. How many of these infringe someone else’s IP rights?
- Gary Saderup’s art prints page
- Full circle: Mattel ultimately licensed “Barbie Girl” to use in a commercial for Barbie. The Russian Army likes “Barbie Girl” too
- For a copyright perspective on the song, consider how the melody can sound quite different when rendered in different composers’ styles
- IP-themed deck of Cards Against Humanity
See more resources at my Copyright course page