Understanding Internet Co-Branding Agreements, 16 Santa Clara Computer & High Tech. L.J. 65 (1999) (co-authored with Candice Lee).
Including the provider-favorable co-branding agreement and the brander-favorable co-branding agreement.
The Intellectual Property Renaissance in Cyberspace: Why Copyright Law Could be Unimportant on the Internet, 12 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 15 (1997).
Cyberspace, the Free Market, and the Free Marketplace of Ideas: Recognizing Legal Differences in Computer Bulletin Board Functions, 16 Hastings Comm. & Ent. L.J. 87 (1993).
The Role of Certification Authorities in Consumer Transactions: A Report of the ILPF Working Group on Certification Authority Practices, Internet Law & Policy Forum Working Paper (1997) (co-authored with Terry Maher and Brad Biddle).
The Privacy Hoax, Forbes, Oct. 14, 2002, at 42.
Republished as Let Markets Regulate, Not State, Los Angeles Daily Journal, Nov. 13, 2002, at 6.
Do Internet Companies Overuse Nondisclosure Agreements?, Computer & Internet Lawyer, Oct. 2001, at 18.
Republished in E-Commerce Law Report, July 2001, at 10.
Republished in Internet Law & Business, Nov. 2001, at 36.
Republished as You Can’t Say That, Intellectual Property & Technology Law Monitor (Recorder Supplement), July/Aug. 2001, at 14.
Republished as Potential Drawbacks of a Company’s Overuse of Nondisclosure Agreements, Start-Up & Emerging Companies Strategist, Aug. 2001, at 1.
Here’s the Deal—Avoiding Common Internet Co-Branding Pitfalls, Build Brand Value Newsletter, Spring 2000.
Symposium Presentation: Doing Internet Co-Branding Agreements, 22 Hastings Comm. & Ent. L.J. 221 (2000).
New Email Laws Create New Legal Issues, Cyberspace Lawyer, Nov. 1999, at 2 (co-authored with Max Ochoa).
Republished in Project Cool Future Focus, Oct. 16, 1999.
Republished as Stupid Email Tricks, Industry Standard, Oct. 22, 1999.
Republished as Stupid Email Tricks…Or Stupid Email Laws?, Boardwatch, Dec. 1999.
Play or Fold: Write Online Gambling Regulations Clearly and Precisely, or Not at All, San Francisco Daily Journal, Feb. 11, 1999, at 4.
Republished as Regulating Internet Gambling, Cyberspace Lawyer, Mar. 1999, at 9.
Website Provider Liability for User Content and Actions, Multimedia & Web Strategist, Jan. 1999, at 1.
Republished in eCommerce Strategies for Success in the Digital Economy Conference Proceedings, at 91 (1999).
Drafting a Privacy Policy? Beware!, Cyberspace Lawyer, July/Aug. 1998, at 2.
Republished as Is Your System Safe?, IP Magazine (Recorder Supplement), Aug. 1998, at 6.
Republished in Fifth Annual Seminar on Legal and Business Aspects of the Internet Conference Proceedings, at 301 (1998).
A Fresh Look at Web Development and Hosting Agreements (including sample Web Development and Hosting Agreement), Internet Law & Business, Nov./Dec. 1999, at 33.
Republished in Multimedia & Web Strategist, Apr. 1998, at 1.
Republished in Journal of Internet Law, May 1998, at 7 (including sample agreement).
Republished in Second Annual Internet Law Institute Conference Proceedings, at 399 (1998) (including sample agreement).
Republished as Reaching Compromises While Negotiating Web Development and Hosting Agreements, E-Commerce Law Report, Oct. 1998, at 4 (including sample agreement).
Republished in eCommerce Strategies for Success in the Digital Economy Conference Proceedings, at 91 (1999) (including sample agreement).
Private Label and Co-Branding Deals: New Deal-Making Paradigms on the Internet (including sample agreements), Journal of Internet Law, Aug. 1997, at 11.
Republished in Cyberspace Law School ’98 Conference Proceedings, at 663 (1998).
Republished in Third Annual Internet Law Institute Conference Proceedings, at 583 (1999).
What You Need to Know About Reno v. ACLU, Internet Newsletter: Legal & Business Aspects, July 1997, at 3 (co-authored with Wendy Leibowitz).
System Operator Liability: What Have We Learned?, Boardwatch, Apr. 1997.
Republished as Thirteen Years: What Have We Learned?, Project Cool Future Focus, Mar. 1, 1997.
Republished in SUG West San Francisco Conference Proceedings & Program, at 51 (1997).
Copy Control, San Francisco Daily Journal, Dec. 26, 1996, at 7 (co-authored with Shawn Molodow).
Top 10 Legal Issues for Clients of Web Developers, Advertising Age’s Net Marketing, Dec. 1996.
Pitfalls In Outsourcing Your Website, Computer Law Strategist, Nov. 1996, at 1.
Cache-22, IP Magazine (Recorder Supplement), Summer 1996, at 15.
Republished in Project Cool Future Focus, Sept. 1996.
Republished as Caching on the Internet, Cyberspace Lawyer, Oct. 1996, at 2.
Republished as To Cache or Not to Cache, Legal Times Special Report on Intellectual Property, Dec. 9, 1996, at 44.
Stern v. Delphi: Are Online Services “News Disseminators”?, Boardwatch, Aug. 1995, at 110.
Intellectual Property Protection Regimes in the Age of the Internet, CNI-Copyright, Mar. 1995.
Electronic Networks and Computer Bulletin Boards: Developing a Legal Regime to Fit the Technology,, Spring 1994.
Computer Bulletin Board Technology: Sysop Control and Liability in a Decentralized Information Economy, International Symposium on Technology and Society 1993 Conference Proceedings (1993).
My First Three Months in an Internet Start-Up, E-Commerce Law Report, Sept. 2000.
Republished in Fourth Annual Internet Law Institute Conference Proceedings (2000).
Republished in E-Commerce Law School ’00 Conference Proceedings, at 3 (2000).
Eric’s Tips to Passing the California Bar Exam, The Advocate (Santa Clara University School of Law), Apr. 2001.
Republished in The Advocate (Santa Clara University School of Law), Mar. 1999, at 3.
Form Internet and Email Use Policy, Fifth Annual Seminar on Legal and Business Aspects of the Internet Conference Proceedings, at 313 (1998).
Generating Revenues from Websites, Boardwatch, July 1995, at 60.
Republished in Intelligence (South Africa), 1996 spec. ed., at 46.
Cyberspace Law Review Bibliography, Information Law Alert, Feb. 10, 1995 at 4.
Internet Trademarks and Domain Name Legal Bibliography,, 1994 to Mar. 1996.